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Curriculum & Instruction

Ensuring the Best in Learning and Instruction

A high quality curriculum is at the heart of a high-quality education. Curriculum refers to the core components, or learning standards, of the subject matter and the materials used to teach those standards. Learning standards define what all students need to know and be able to do at each grade level. Throughout their K-12 education, students progress through the curriculum of a variety of subjects comprising the K-12 course of study.

Our Curriculum Department:

  • Researches and assists staff in selecting textbooks and instructional materials
  • Implements curriculum that is aligned with state standards
  • Develops information systems that record, measure and assess student learning
  • Acts as a resource for current research and best practices and programs
  • Coordinates professional development
  • Consults with educators on district, state and federal requirements including the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA), Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)



Educational Technology

Department Contacts

Main phone number: (509) 222-5060

Alyssa St. Hilaire
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
(509) 222-5060

Kristi Lakey
(509) 222-6579

Tina Brewer
Director of  Professional Development and Assessment
(509) 222-6490

Amy Graham
Data Analyst
(509) 222-6418

Brent Sharp
K-12 IT Coordinator
(509) 582-6777

Jolene Carlson
(509) 222-6593


All students are ready for their futureKSD strategic goal