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Our School

Welcome to Phoenix High School

"Learning For Life"

 Phoenix High School's mission is to provide a personalized and flexible learning structure that motivates students to direct their own education, initiating projects and meeting learning standards in ways that are unique to their own interests and abilities. Students are challenged to learn to use their minds well, to reflect, to dream, to plan, and to transform their goals into realities through authentic, rigorous and excellent work. Positive relationships among students, staff, parents and community mentors create a solid foundation for learning experiences that are relevant to the real world. These experiences ensure that students are college-ready, workplace-ready and community-ready, and that they have the desire as well as the means to make sure learning never ends.
Guiding Beliefs:

  • We respect the integrity and worth of each individual.
  • Small schools and small advisories allow each student to be known well and to have a personal learning plan that is designed to meet individual learning needs.
  • Interdisciplinary learning projects develop habits of mind and work, marketable communication skills, citizenship and life skills, and simultaneously meet the essential academic learning standards set by the state of Washington.
  • In a democratic learning community, all members of the school (including students, staff, parents and community members) are involved in decision making.
  • Technology opens up worlds of inquiry and educational opportunity.
  • Learning is better evidenced by performance than by seat time.
  • Advisors are facilitators of learning and see themselves as generalists first and specialists second.
  • Access to community mentors and industry standards helps students obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed.
  • Project-based learning promotes ongoing reflection and self-regulated learning by asking students to generate their own strategies for problem definition, information gathering, data analysis and hypothesis building/testing, and to compare their strategies to those of other students and mentors.
  • Ongoing performance assessment of students, staff and programs is essential to sustainable success.
  • Joy is an essential part of learning, and laughter mixes naturally with serious discussion and hard work.


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Guy Strot

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School Contact:

(509) 222-7400